The Vast Empire Naval Academy is currently the training center for the Vast Empire Navy. The Vast Empire Naval Academy (VENA) is headed by Ensign Bacredi and his executive officer, Ensign StOrMz. The Vast Empire Naval Academy is were you will learn all the basics about the Vast Empire Navy. Feel free to contact any of the staff directly or on IRC.
Ensign Bacredi ... NTO
Ensign Zhar Bacredi has been in the Vast Empire Navy since April of 2008. After gaining the rank of LCRW, he was placed in Kaph Squadron. Eventually he landed in Viper, and then Nazgul were he stayed for six months. After the retirement of the previous Naval Training Officer (NTO), C-3PX2, Bacredi was chosen to take this position.
Ensign Zhar Bacredi, Vast Empire Navy
Special Agent, Vast Empire Intelligence
Naval Training Officer, Vast Empire Navy
NTO/ESN Bacredi/Sting 1-1/Platform Saratoga/Raegent System/VENA/VEN/VE [MC:1] [EER] [SoV] [SRC] [LoM] [NSM] [MC:1] [NS:H] [VST:1] [KST:1] *[NST:1]* (=A=) (=SA=) (=*ME*=) (=*MA*=) (=*FOCE*=) {GWC} {SRC}
AGT/ESN Bacredi/Chaos/Reaper/ISD Nemesis/Sigma Group/VEI/VE
Ensign StOrMz ... NTX
Ensign StOrMz (commonly spelled Stormz) is the current Naval Training Executive Officer. Stormz joined the Vast Empire Navy 4 years ago, and has only been in one squadron: Kaph Squadron. Stormz has recieved the Imperial Guardian award, commendations, and continuous public praise. After Ensign Bacredi left the NTX spot for the NTO spot, Stormz fiilled the NTX spot.
NTX/ESN StOrMz/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/1 Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=) (=^SA^=) (=ME=) (=*MAE*=) [NSM] [IG] [SWC] [SRC] [BI]