The Vast Empire Naval Academy is currently the training center for the Vast Empire Navy. The Vast Empire Naval Academy (VENA) is headed by Ensign Bacredi and his executive officer, Ensign StOrMz. The Vast Empire Naval Academy is were you will learn all the basics about the Vast Empire Navy. Feel free to contact any of the staff directly or on IRC.
Chapter I....
In order for stories to exist they must have a plot, and in order for these plots to work, they need characters - which is where you come in. As a member of the VEN your character is by default a TIE pilot. However, they weren't always so: his or her background, personality, look and style, are totally up to you. Create an interesting character and your guaranteed an interesting story. So, lets get creative!
Character Development
Chapter II...
As a pilot in the Vast Empire Navy, it will come as no surprise that you are required to fly some kind of starfighter. In this chapter you will learn the basics of both the vehicles and the equipment used regularly in the Vast Empire Navy. The goal of this course is to supply you with enough detail to achieve more elaborate and extensive posts. Above all else, this chapter exists to make your writing believable.
Chapter III...
Just as every person must know themselves, so to should they know their mates. In the final chapter of flight school, you shall learn the basics of being in a squadron, and the requirements of active duty. Inside is the essential guide to knowing what is expected out of any new recruit when they enter service. Once you have passed this chapter you may move on to the final test.