The exams are easy ways to move up the ladder in the Vast Empire Navy. They provide a large learning experience for the pilots and a chance for promotions.
The Exams...
Aviator's Exam: The easiest of them all is the Aviator's Exam, it is the exam you take on your last step of Flight School. After taking it, you may achieve the rank of Leading Crewman if you get below an 100. If you score an 100, however, you achieve the rank of SCRW.
Senior Aviator's Exam: The next step in the exam phase. You have to wait two months and have the rank of Petty Officer, Second Class to take this. If you achieve 100 percent, you will only move up one rank. That is a new change .
Minor Exams: Not really Minor, they test your basic knowledge of the VEN and VE as a whole.
Master Aviator's Exams: An entirely IRC test, contact the NTO.